Death of the great trees

Death of a tree

They are the great sentinels standing guard over our world. Some have withstood centuries. They are the gigantic organisms men see and take for granted. They have seen the evolution of man and his ways. They witnessed mans great triumphs, only to be used against the world they were given to nurture. They have seen the change of the decades and can truly appreciate the cyclic nature of existence. They have endured pain and hardship by the hand of man, yet some still stand.

The great trees are becoming few and endangered. The great beings that give all living creatures breath, are being culled for man’s short-sighted benefits, but ultimately man is culling himself.

Trees are becoming too few now. So few sway freely in the wind and offer shelter to the smaller beings of the world. Man is opting for cold hard steel and concrete, so we can marvel at our architecture; A lifeless structure that took the lives of many living entities.

The balance to keep the scale even has shifted. Man now outweighs nature, and it is only a matter of time before that scale breaks.


World’s Big Trees Are Dying: Alarming Increase in Death Rates Among Trees 100-300 Years Old

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